Red Temática de Excelencia: Globalización, crecimiento y desigualdad (siglos XIX-XXI) – GLOCREd EN

Research network of excellence:
Globalisation, growth and inequality (19th-21st centuries)


Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat
(Universitat de València)



The research network on Globalization, Growth and Inequality (19th-21st centuries) – GLOCRED brings together researchers from 8 projects financed by the Ministry of Economy. The objective of the network is to consolidate the academic relationships between these projects in order to take advantage of the synergies and positive externalities that derive from it. Over the last few years, the participating groups have oriented their research to various aspects of economic growth in the very long run, paying special attention to two fundamental elements: on the one hand, the distribution of income between territories and within a society; and on the other hand, to international economic relations, the basic engine, together with technological and institutional changes, economic growth and distributional changes in the very long run. Moreover, the research groups share common theoretical and methodological frameworks and ask similar questions. The creation of this thematic network will permit the development of the potential gains accruing from cooperation, sharing empirical information, jointly discussing the results of the different projects and articulating future common research project. The coordination of the research groups involved also serve to take advantage of the scale economies in transfer activities, with the creation of a common digital platform for the dissemination of the results, which allow offering a broader vision of the problems of the economic growth in the very long run.


Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat 

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